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Open Book

Professional Pain Practitioner course

This new course is the culmination of nearly thirty years research and work experience. It harnesses the best of orthodox medicine and blends it with state of the art aromatherapy. 

Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Course (Advanced)

Learn how to use various aromatherapy equipment and which combinations of essential oils create the best smelling bathing & massage oils, creams and candles.

The Prosperous Therapist Course

Are you a complimentary therapist struggling to make ends meet? Perhaps you find it difficult knowing how to pair your therapy with feeling good about taking people's money?

Or potentially, you have never been taught how to run a business at all.

This course is for you, covering all apsects for marketing, sales, branding and accounts, all seen from a healer's view point. 


Based on ancient Greek contemplations and meditations, these four week courses involve only inhalation of essential oils and are open to any gender and to qualified and non-qualified aromatherapists. 

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